Friday, January 21, 2011

Pardon My French

I will just never understand why Harding feels the need to call themselves a “Christian” University. Today I sat in my business class. Long story short, my teacher is a smart ass. So to get the class to talk he decided to make outlandish comments. The outlandish comments he chose were about women working. How they were irrational and not needed. Of course, at a certain point I couldn’t keep my mouth shut so I responded to the irrational statement saying, “And men aren’t?” He replied back, “Finally someone irrationally speaking back.”
So I ask myself, “WHAT THE HELL!?”
I don’t deserve that and neither does any of the other women who just sat there and took it from this man! We have worth and contribute to society just like any other man. All those girls awkwardly smiled and giggled. WHY! It’s not funny. It was insulting to sit there and watch all these 20 some year old men laughing and agreeing with the teacher.
Next thing we start talking about…
To summarize his opinion, “It is ridiculous that we pay people 7.25 an hour to have no skill what so ever. I could pay my 8 year old half that and he could do just as good of a job. These types of jobs are just supposed to be incentive  to gain skills and get better jobs. This is why we have to go overseas because people there are more than happy to work for 38 cents an hour. To them that is enough money to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.”

Again, I say to myself, “WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I’m getting more and more angry as this stupid witty upper middle class white man gives this IGNORANT statement to which he feels sooooo entitled to. I was completely enraged! How in the world could he really believe what he just said?

I wanted to scream
WAKE UP WOMEN! You are more  than a piece of ass looking for a man with a fat paycheck to live “comfortably”

Then I go to my Healthcare Management class. We watch the documentary Sicko. If you haven’t seen it you should definitely watch it. It makes me want to start so many nonprofit clinics for people!

It’s ridiculous you guys! Completely ridiculous! We are all human beings! We have rights that go beyond a constitution or some bullshit law. This is about rights to life! Rights to quality life! Not because they are legal citizens or whether or not they have insurance. This about being a HUMAN BEING!!!!  

Let’s wake up! Wake up! These are real people! Real lives that are being devalued and destroyed for the bottom line! What are we doing to ourselves!  

At what expense I ask? How much will it cost for us to open our eyes to the truth? How many children must die? How many women must be abused? How many sweat shops will it take?

It’s crap. It’s all crap. I can hardly breathe when I think of the madness. The madness that we have created!


If you can’t for the people across the world.
Atleast feel for your neighbors if nothing else.
We are all in this together.
We all have the same heart beating inside our chests.
Regardless of race, gender, age, status, income.

None of it matters.
At the end of it all.
When everything is ripped away,
All we have is each other.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First

So here I am, finally starting a blog. I’ve been talking about it forever and now here it is! Where to begin…. I guess I could just start with my recent commitments I’ve made for the new year. I’ve been struggling a lot these past few years with body image and starting to develop self. At the end of the day I always end up with everything I don’t like about myself. Where does that leave me? I’m still me and I haven’t changed anything. So what to do with myself? I’ve recently started the HCG diet, which a lot of people think is stupid or ineffective and honestly, even at the end of this diet if I gained all the weight back it would be worth it. I’ve learned more about myself and my horrid, toxic relationship with food in the past week than I ever knew.
Hear me out,
I’m not saying toxic or horrid in the sense of “I never want to eat again” I’m saying that in the sense of how much I’ve depended on food as an outlet. As well as how litte self control I have with what kinds of foods I’m eating. I’ve learned VERY quickly how addicted to sugars and processed foods I am. It’s hard when you grow up with certain foods not to continue eating them, but I’m not going to keep those habits. Food is a beautiful thing. I LOVE to cook it. However, too much or too little of it (which has been my life story) can be a horrid thing. So far, I’ve lost 9 lbs. I’ve also noticed how much less I’m starting to crave sugars and bread. My skin has started to clear and my moods have been pretty consistent. It’s amazing how much can be contributed to what we eat. I won’t lie, I started this diet with the intention of just losing weight but it’s become a way to rest my digestive tract (which I’ve been killing for years) and reinvent the way I see food.
Also, I’m only taking 3 classes this semester. I’ve decided it’s time for me to do some resting. I’ve been running so fast I can’t seem to find myself or what I want a degree in. Sort of late in the game I know but better now than never right? I’m going to start cooking more and saving for something special. I’m not sure what yet but we’ll see. I just know I’m sick of my money going to things that don’t matter. Clothes, fast food, unnecessary spending, blah blah blah. I want to make memories! Isn’t that what life is about?
Well I guess that’s all for now.
I’ll post more later and hopefully eventually I’ll post some cooking!